I created this composition called Dron:ing especially for the third edition of the Hydrophonia sound art festival. Hydrophonia is a festival dedicated to hydrophonic sound art and raising public awareness of how man-made ocean noise affects marine life. The festival will take place on 29-30 October 2010 in Barcelona at Espai Cultural Caja Madrid.
For this composition I used a few sounds out of the library donated generously by the renowned bio-acoustician and field recordist Gianni Pavan of CIBRA in Pavia Italy.
About Hydrphonia
Ocean Noise affects the marine life in all our oceans. Anthropogenic noise is human-generated sound from various sources including commercial ship traffic, oil exploration and production, construction, acoustic research, sonar use and navy experiments. Noise causes health problems for all life yet when it comes to the life under the surface of our oceans we tune a deaf ear to it. Hydrophonia’s goal to raise public consciousness about anthropogenic noise and the devastating effect it has on the delicate balance of our planet.
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